Spatial Riddles
Spatial riddles bring in the challenge of looking at geometry and spatial patterns to solve puzzing situations. Don't worry about brushing up on your sines and cosines - they probably won't be necessary for most of these riddles.
Easy | ||
Look at the 9 dots in this image. Can you draw 4 straight lines, without picking up your pen, that ...
Medium | ||
A swan sits at the center of a perfectly circular lake. At an edge of the lake stands a ravenous ...
You are somewhere on Earth. You walk due south 1 mile, then due east 1 mile, then due north 1 mile. ...
You can easily "tile" an 8x8 chessboard with 32 2x1 tiles, meaning that you can place these 32 ...
Two twin brothers share the same birthday. Their father gets them a perfectly rectangular birthday ...
Hard | ||
Look at the two images. They are composed of the exact same pieces (as shown by the colors), and ...