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Where's the ketchup? Amnesia?
posted by Keyboard - May 07 2012 06:25:18 AM
RiddleLock was going to have his snacks... He has a hotdog, but he wanted ketchup. So he came to the refrigerator and found out that the ketchup is missing(they put the ketchup inside the refrigerator always). So he ate his hotdog without a ketchup. Poor RiddleLock. While he was eating, Little ArrowKeys came inside the kitchen and was holding her friend Spacebar.
ArrowKeys: Spacebar's bleeding, she was hit by a car and have amnesia
Spacebar: Woof Woof!
RiddleLock: Don't fool me again!

What's RiddleLock's possible reasons not to worry about Spacebar?
Reply by Caprico - May 24 2012 06:15:27 AM
Amnesia is loss of memory, not loss of identity... And the "bleeding" is probably his ketchup... :P

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