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Mystery of Wineglasses
posted by Sifat - September 24 2009 07:42:24 AM
How can you arrange four ordinary wineglasses on an ordinary table so that "foot" (center of the bottom of the stem) of each is the same distance from all the others?
Reply by sumit_n - August 26 2010 03:15:16 AM
arrange like a pyramid
with one over other 3 and base of the three separated by same distance

Reply by kelsier - June 11 2012 02:56:58 AM

Reply by blessedstar - September 04 2012 12:48:50 AM
Lace the first three in an equilateral triangle so that the foot of each is the same distance from the others as the height of a wineglass. Then place the fourth wineglass in the middle of the triangle, upside down.

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