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Murder mystery
posted by laser - August 22 2012 06:16:34 PM
There are two people ,Jake and Joe. Jake calls Joe over to his house.(Jake doesn't call anyone else) .When Joe comes over to Jake's house,Joe cleans the frost off the window.He see's that Jake is dead.

Joe tells the police what happened.A detective tells the officers to immediately arrest this man.

How did the detective know that Joe was the murderer?
Reply by Caprico - August 24 2012 05:18:19 AM
I don't think you can clean frost off from the outside. Frost forms on the inside of your window.

Reply by chilidog - August 24 2012 04:50:37 PM
Joe went into Jake's house and killed him. Joe then calls the police with Jake's phone. Jake does not call anybody except Joe. The police heard Joe story and then arrested him, because he was the murderer.

Reply by Topthrilldragster - August 27 2012 09:07:02 AM
I am the same person as laser is but I am in a different account

Reply by Topthrilldragster - August 27 2012 09:07:29 AM
and yes that answer is correct

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