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How Long Will it Take?
posted by juggler - November 24 2010 12:34:16 PM
To test 2 boys at their math skills, a teacher tells them that he can finish 1 side of a rubiks cube in 1 minute, and that the time needed for each additional side will not change (1 min for first side, one min for second side, and so on.)The teacher asks each of the students to tell him how long it will take to finish. Both boys know that a rubiks cube has 6 sides. They both scoff at how easy it is and tell the teacher their answer but get it wrong. What is the correct answer?
Reply by Riddlemaker - December 15 2010 07:31:19 PM
U don't scoff.

Reply by juggler - December 18 2010 11:47:49 AM
5 minutes - once the fifth side is finished, the sixth side must be because all the color cubes are used up amongst their correct sides.

Reply by Riddlemaker - December 19 2010 11:14:11 AM

Reply by Drakelar - December 19 2010 02:50:46 PM
5 minutes because he already finished one side

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