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A Difficult Number Pattern
posted by admin - April 18 2009 12:25:25 AM
What's the next number in the sequence?

2 3 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Reply by budunk - January 31 2011 01:47:09 PM
I can't figure this one out. The best I can do is this:

I've noticed that the missing numbers in the sequence are 1,4,7,11,14,17.

The missing numbers seem to repeat the pattern 1,4,7 while adding ten each time. If that were the case, then 21 and 24 should be missing.

Does anyone have an answer?

Reply by MrAnkawi - February 16 2011 08:50:35 PM
2+(1)=3+(2)-5+(1)-6+(2)-8+(!)=9(1)=10+(2)=12+(1)=13+(2)=15+(1)=16+(2)=18+(1)=19+(1)=20.... Budunk, this took me 18 seconds to figure out, thanks to the numbers 2,3,and 5. Take a look at the numbers inside the parenthesis, and tell me what you see. Don't forget that there's a number repeating its self... You'll notice once you take a look.

Reply by budunk - February 23 2011 03:39:59 PM
In parenthesis I see:


I still see no pattern.

Reply by Caprico - April 17 2011 10:51:46 PM
Ohk, I think I have a pattern, but there seems to be a mistake in the "9, 10, 12, 13" part. Try adding two consecutive numbers in the sequence, and subtracting the number to the left of these numbers.Like,
(23+22) - 21 = 24
(13+15) - 12 = 16
(12+10) - 9 = 13
(3+5) - 2 = 6

This logic only fails around that 9 area. Like, (9+8)-6 should have been 11... :(

Reply by cometdragon - May 10 2011 12:32:09 AM
I don't get the pattern. It's too hard and unusual.

Reply by cometdragon - May 10 2011 12:50:23 AM
Can someone figure it out?

Reply by InfamousChris - June 08 2011 07:16:20 AM
is the answer 27

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